Monday 24 March 2014

How to Make Tempe Practical


Tempe is the best alternative source of nutrition . The price is cheap and it tastes delicious make tempeh never lose loyal customers . Basically , tempeh is made from soybeans fermented grains with certain drying . However , in certain areas there are not some kind of tempeh is made from soybeans . For example, in the area of ​​Reservoir Kedungombo which typically is made of soybean seed Kara surly or Macuna pruriens . In the area of ​​East Bali Lombok too , tempe made ​​from bean dregs pigeonpea with soybean gembus name . In another Malang , called tempe tempe Majas and terbiuat of a mixture of peanuts and coconut . There is still a lot of variants of tempeh . But in general , tempeh consumption of soy ranks highest in Indonesia . If you have been used to buy tempeh in the market , there is no harm in this time you make tempeh directly from your home . The trick is fairly easy . The material is also only two : Soybean Seed and Yeast . Dare to try ?Step Making TempeBasically , making tempeh is easy to follow. Simply put , these measures are summarized in the following diagram as a picture :

To make tempeh , the very first step to prepare course materials and tools needed . The materials needed are as follows:

Soy beans as much as 2 kg .
sago or tapioca flour 1 tablespoon .
Tempeh 1 tablespoon .
Meanwhile , the tools needed include :

Pot to boil .
Sunken container or bowl .
flat container .
Plastic or banana leaves .
How to make tempeh as follows :

First , boil water to boil . Then enter soybeans into boiling water earlier . Let stand until the water temperature is warm . Furthermore , separate water and soy beans . Then knead until beans separated from their husks and nuts split into two .
Soybeans that have been separated from the skin re- boiled with water until the froth . After that , separate the soybeans with water . In order to more quickly dry , store in a container of soy beans were essentially flat has been given a cloth to absorb the liquid .
Once dry , soybeans stored in containers concave . Then add yeast and flour . Stir until completely uniform .
Once completely mixed , put into the medium soybean plastic or banana leaves . End of the sealed plastic or banana leaves . Then bolongi plastic so there is circulation of air.
Allow the dough tempeh with a duration of 24 to 36 hours . Better yet, if stored in a warm place .How ? How to make tempeh is very easy and practical right? With a little patience and seriousness , you can make as a business opportunity tempe economic backbone of your family . Good luck

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